Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Pink Fairy Armadillo
Pink fairy armadillo smallest armadillo species in the world. It is found in central Argentina, where it inhabits dry grasslands and sandy plains with thorn bushes. The pink fairy armadillo is approximately 90–115 mm (3.5-4.5 inches) long, excluding the tail. The pink fairy armadillo uses their digging abilities to burrow in areas beside large ant colonies. Ants provide a constant food source for this species of armadillo. As well, they may also forage on worms, snails and plant matter but ants are their number one choice.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Hagfish is eel-shaped creatures use four pairs of thin sensory tentacles surrounding their mouths to find food—including carcasses of much larger animals. They live in cold waters and shallow deep as 5,500 feet nearly. To be safe from the predators attack hagfish produce slime, which give slippery exit and when large fish sees its as a meal instead gets a mouth full of slime. It can go months without food.
On August 14, 2010, on China National Highway 110 and Beijing-Tibet expressway in Hebei and Inner Mongolia faced the massive Traffic Jam which slow down thousand of vehicles for more than "100 Kilometer (62.1 Miles)" and lasted for more than "TEN DAYS". It was so slow that many drivers were able to move their vehicle only 1KM (0.6 Miles) in 24 hours.
The Cause of traffic jam was moving heavy truck and road construction which reduced road capacity to 50% and more over police reported that minor breakdown and accidents.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Komodo Dragon
The Komodo dragon is a large species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang, and Padar. It is the largest living species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of 3 metres (10 ft) in rare cases and weighing up to approximately 70 kilograms (150 lb). These are flesh eating and take down big mamals like baffalos. Its uses its tongue to detect, taste, and smell stimuli and able to detect carrion from 4–9.5 km (2.5–5.9 mi) away.
It has about 50 bacteria in their saliva and they are ammune to other komodo bites.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Sea Squirt Digest Brain
Sea squirt starts as a tad pole and it spends its time growing and exploring the sea. While squirt explore the sea it has brain (I mean Physically). Once Squirt becomes an adult, it attached itself permanently to a rock or a boat’s hull or pilings. It no longer needs to explore the world as it did before but gains enough nutrients to survive just through the passing current. While passing rest of its life at one place, it digest its brain.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Black Tamato (Fight Cancer)
The tomato’s jet black colour stems from pigments in its skin which develop when exposed to sunlight.
Black tomatoes are being grown in Britain for the first time and they could have the potential to cure of cancer.
The fruit is among the first in the world to contain anthocyanins, an antioxidant believed to help fight cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Friday, 22 November 2013
flies (Tephritidae) are the most agriculturally important family of
flies. Some species are pests, together causing billions of dollars in
losses annually, whereas other species are beneficial biological control
agents of weeds. Fruit flies are also among the most attractive and
biologically interesting Diptera, having patterned wings and often
brightly colored and/or patterned bodies, which may be used in mimicry
of jumping spiders or wasps and in elaborate courtship and other
It is Evolution which make these fly to have spider image on these wing to save themself from predictors. The image on the wing is absolutely perfect,” says Dr Brigitte Howarth, the fly specialist at Zayed University who first discovered G tridens in the UAE. The species has been known since 1910, and is found in the Near and Middle East, Asia, and Asia
It is Evolution which make these fly to have spider image on these wing to save themself from predictors. The image on the wing is absolutely perfect,” says Dr Brigitte Howarth, the fly specialist at Zayed University who first discovered G tridens in the UAE. The species has been known since 1910, and is found in the Near and Middle East, Asia, and Asia
On July 10th, 1913 the weather observer at Greenland Ranch in Death Valley, California recorded a high temperature of 134°F (56.7°C). This is the highest reliably recorded air temperature on Earth.
Death Valley's record temperature of 134 degrees Fahrenheit (56.7 degrees Celsius) - the hottest ever measured on Earth - was set exactly 100 years ago. But the tale of how the rocky expanse of California desert came to be known as the world's hottest place involves a lengthy stretch in the number two slot, a mission to set the record straight, and a scientist who disappeared amid a revolution.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillion connections. If each neuron could only help store a single memory, running out of space would be a problem. You might have only a few gigabytes of storage space, similar to the space in an iPod or a USB flash drive. Yet neurons combine so that each one helps with many memories at a time, exponentially increasing the brain’s memory storage capacity to something closer to around 2.5 petabytes (or a million gigabytes). For comparison, if your brain worked like a digital video recorder in a television, 2.5 petabytes would be enough to hold three million hours of TV shows. You would have to leave the TV running continuously for more than 300 years to use up all that storage.
The brain’s exact storage capacity for memories is difficult to calculate. First, we do not know how to measure the size of a memory. Second, certain memories involve more details and thus take up more space; other memories are forgotten and thus free up space. Additionally, some information is just not worth remembering in the first place.
Friday, 8 November 2013
The wings are translucent. Its most common English name is glasswinged butterfly, and which means "little mirrors". Indeed, the tissue between the veins of its wings looks like glass, as it lacks the colored scales found in other butterflies.The opaque borders of its wings are dark brown sometimes tinted with red or orange, and its body is dark in color.
The Liger is a hybrid cross between a male lion and a tigress.
Ligers enjoy swimming, which is a characteristic of tigers, and are very sociable like lions.Ligers typically grow larger than either parent species, unlike tigons which tend to be about as large as a female tiger. Males reach a total length of 3 to 3.5 m, meaning they are larger than large Siberian tiger males. Female ligers may also attain great size, weighing approximately 320 kg (705 lb) and reaching 3.05 m (10 ft) long on average.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Chinese man Lui Hua suffers from a rare condition known as macrodactyly. When he was hospitalized in Shanghai on July 2007, his left thumb measured 10.2 inches and his index finger measured close to 12. On July 20 surgeons undertook a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu's fingers and thumb. Doctors removed 11 pounds of flesh and bone in the procedure.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Spontaneous human combustion
Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is a cases of the burning of a living human body without an apparent external source of ignition. A person -- bursts into flame from a chemical reaction within, apparently without being ignited by an external heat source.Can humans spontaneously burst into flames? A lot of people think spontaneous human combustion is a real occurrence, but most scientists aren't convinced.The first known account of spontaneous human combustion came from the Danish anatomist Thomas Bartholin in 1663, who described how a woman in Paris "went up in ashes and smoke" while she was sleeping.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Ancient Aircarft

The existence of the text was revealed in 1952 by G. R. Josyer who asserted that it was written by Pandit Subbaraya Shastry (1866–1940), who dictated it during the years 1918–1923. This vimana contains twenty-eight parts. They are Peetha or Floorboard; hollow mast; three wheeled keelakaas; four heaters; air suction-pipe; water jacket; oil tank; air heater; heater; steam boiler; viduyut yantra or electric generator; air propelling yantra; vaatapa yantra or air suction pipe; dikpradarshana dwaja; shakuna yantra; two-wings; tail portion; owshnyaka yantra or engine; kiranaakarshana mani. Constructional aspects of the vimana are given too briefly and also without clarity. However, from the English translation (literal and frequently sprinkled with modern terminology) we have made an effort to analyze. Floorboard is a sheet-metal structure made of Raja-loha options have been offered to make the shape circular, rectangular or cradle shaped. Weight of the Peeta or Base is one hundredth of the total weight of the plane. Width of the peeta is half the height of the mast. Hollow mast is to be erected by suitable joinery at the center of the peeta.
Blanket Octopus
This fascinating cephalopod was given the common name of blanket octopus because of its flowing webbing connected between its dorsal and dorsolateral arms, resembling a large blanket, as displayed by this adult female. Females may reach 2 metres (6.6 ft) in length, whereas the tiny males are at most a few centimeters long. The males have a specially modified third right arm which stores sperm, known as a hectocotylus. During mating, this arm detaches itself and crawls into the mantle of the female to fertilize her eggs. The male dies shortly after mating. The females carry over 100,000 tiny eggs attached to a sausage-shaped calcareous secretion held at the base of the dorsal arms and carried by the female until hatching. Blanket octopuses are immune to the poisonous Portuguese man o' war, whose tentacles the male and immature females rip off and use for defensive purposes. Like many other octopuses, the blanket octopuses uses ink to intimidate potential predators.Also, when threatened, the female unfurls her large net-like membranes that spread out and billow in the water, greatly increasing her apparent size.
Tibet Mastiff (Dog looks like Lion)
Tibetan Mastiffs can be black, golden brown, or grey. Some Tibetan Mastiffs have longer hair on the head and neck, giving the appearance of a mane. In China, this variety is referred to as the ‘Lion Head’ Tibetan Mastiff, with the shorter haired variety being known as the ‘Tiger Head’ Tibetan Mastiff.The Tibetan Mastiff normally has a shoulder height of 61-66 cm (24-26 in) and weighs 45-72 kg (100-160 lbs), though a few stand up to 80 cm (31 in) and weigh as much as 110 kg (242 lbs). He is originating with nomadic cultures of Tibet, China, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Ladakh and Central Asia.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
A Patato has More Chromosomes than us.
Potato has More Chromosomes than
chromosome is an organized structure of DNA (This is what makes you unique),
protein, and RNA found in cells.
Even though We are one of the most complex organisms in the world, and that this would make you think we have a lot of chromosomes, we have less than something as simple as a potato!
We have only 46 Chromosomes and Potato has 48 Chromosomes.
Even though We are one of the most complex organisms in the world, and that this would make you think we have a lot of chromosomes, we have less than something as simple as a potato!
We have only 46 Chromosomes and Potato has 48 Chromosomes.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Cthulhu Larva
The Deep Sea Holothurian, also known as an abyssal sea cucumber, sounds like a boss from Final Fantasy and looks like something Khan would attach to the brain of a Starfleet officer.The Cthulhu Larvae are most generally found on Demerara Abyssal Plain, but can be in abundance most anywhere except the North Atlantic Ocean. aka the SEA PIG Cthulhu Larvae are not cosidered an endangered species.The largest concern for the species is deep-sea trawling. Since the cthulhu larvae travel in groups of 300-600.Cthulhu Larvae are almost always seen facing in the same direction, towards the current.
It is only a few inches long, has no face and eats mud, which is exactly how we described our genitalia on Match.com. The abyssal sea cucumber is one of the most successful ocean dwelling species, presumably because any predator would take one look at this thing and run home to sleep with the lights on in their parents’ room.
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